Elevate your fitness journey with Body Composition Analysis.

Body Composition Analyss

How are you tracking your fitness progress?

Weight loss can be an important method in trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Oftentimes we use a bathroom scale to help us track how much weight we’re losing.

But doesn’t it seem like that new diet or exercise you’ve been trying only helps you lose weight temporarily and sometimes you end up gaining even more weight? Doesn’t it feel like nothing is really working out the way you had expected?

That’s because your bathroom scale is misleading.

Body composition analysis is key.

Body composition analysis refers to measuring your body composition– generally known as your body muscle, fat, and water. Instead of focusing on a single number on your scale, body composition analysis allows you to focus on losing body fat and gaining muscle while retaining the proper amount of body water in specific areas of your body. Body composition analysis is the key to tracking and maintaining effective weight loss. Lose weight smarter, healthier, and happier like never before.

Ditch the scale.

Enhance Your Fitness Journey with 3D Body Analysis

  • Body composition analysis involves measuring your body's muscle, fat, and water composition.

  • The focus shifts from overall weight to losing body fat and gaining muscle while maintaining proper hydration levels.

  • Effective weight loss hinges on reducing excess body fat, not just overall weight.

  • Opt for body composition analysis to gauge your true health status rather than merely tracking your weight.

  • Utilize body composition analysis for smarter, healthier, and more fulfilling weight loss journeys.

Knowledge is Power

Connect with our team to leverage the InBody 570 sheet for precise body composition measurements in under 45 seconds.
Once printed, utilize it to monitor progress in:

Muscle Mass

Fat Levels

Basal Metabolic

Body Fat

Total Body

Body Fat

Call for pricing.

Take an InBody test every 2 to 4 weeks to continuously monitor and improve your weight loss.

See how body composition analysis can help you lose weight smarter and more effectively.


Functional Medicine Testing