Is the Premier Metabolic Reset & Weight Loss Program Right For You?

Every January, the media drowns consumers with ads about weight loss products and programs. It's no wonder people like you are skeptical of the truth or effectiveness of these products, as the majority provide no scientific evidence or medical stamp of approval from a licensed physician.Weight Loss in 2024Even the American Diabetes Association's guidelines, and now Weight Watchers, are promoting diets and prescriptions like Ozempic that are unhealthy and often unsafe. You can see my stance on our health system and the ADA's recommended diet in this video.Whether you're hooked on carbs or sugar or just struggling with weight gain and low energy because of lack of activity in your life, I'd like you to consider a program I've worked 12 years to build and refine.We're getting ready to offer our 16th group kick off Jan. 28. It's called the Premier Metabolic Reset & Weight Loss Program. Read even more about this life-changing program here.

Is the Premier Metabolic Reset & Weight Loss Program Right for You?

  1. Do you suffer from chronic inflammation or joint pain?
  2. Are you part of the 87% of Americans who aren't metabolically healthy?
  3. Are you diabetic or prediabetic?
  4. Has your doctor advised you to lose weight?
  5. Have you failed at other weight loss programs?
  6. Do you crave salt and sugar or struggle with emotional eating?
  7. Are you too tired to participate in life or with your kids?

All of these symptoms are signs of metabolic dysfunction and can be addressed in my 12-week program.

What Results Have Others Had on the Weight Loss Program?

Our patients' results have been outstanding. Most have come off all their diabetes medications and lost significant amounts of weight. The best way to hear the results are through the patients themself. Click the four testimonials links below. (Note: The program used to be called Empowerment Over Diabetes).

  1. Trudi's Results
  2. Mark's Results
  3. Darbi's Results
  4. Shirley's Results

How Much Does it Cost?

The 12-week group program cost of $1,999 includes before and after lab tests.If you have interest, additional questions, or would like to be directed to previous participants for assurance, please complete the form below. We do this program to help people who tried everything else and not found success. We do it because we know the Standard American Diet fuels chronic illness and metabolic dysfunction. We do it because we want our patients to live a long and fulfilling life enjoying their family, not band-aided or living on prescriptions for life that may not be necessary.

Is There A Payment Plan or Guarantee?

Unfortunately no. However we recommend Advance Care Card to patients who need help paying for services not covered by insurance. Please apply early in order to be ready for the Jan. 28 program kickoff.If you follow the program steps and are not satisfied with the results, we will refund your program fee. We cannot refund any fees paid for testing or fees for any one-on-one appointments with the doctor, health coach, or nutritionist.Deadline to get into the January group is Jan. 16. Complete the form below to start the process.[gravityform id="1" title="true"] 


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